Custom designs
Design Details
EKO ELECTRONIQUE is an office of design and development of products in the field of electronics and the industrial data processing.
We offer a full range of consulting services designed to provide software / hardware solutions using last technologies. We also offer our current hardware lineup as a design base for custom spin-off designs which results in a faster turn-around time.
Software / Hardware integrated design
- Hardware PCB design on multi layers - up to 14 layers - class 7
- Firmware coding for PIC and ARM CPU (8,16 and 32bits) using MikroElektronica compilers
- Software coding for Graphic Unit Interface (GUI) using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (VB.NET)
- VHDL coding for hardware using XILINX, ACTEL or LATTICE FPGA tools
- DO254 designs level A to D
- CE and NF certification cycle
Software only design
- VHDL coding for hardware using XILINX, ACTEL or LATTICE FPGA tools
- Software coding for firmware using Microchip, Atmel and Philips CPU
- Software coding for Windows applications using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005 or 2010
Hardware only design
- Experience surpassing 10 layer board designs utilizing power planes and signaling techniques
- High speed designs, high speed components (ADC, DAC, PLL, SDRAM, DDR..) up to 200MHz signals
- Experience in small footprint designs where space is limited. SMT on both sides if necessary
Hardware assembly and prototyping
- China PCB contacts, quick turnaround time and cheap prices. Can do any volume
- In-house assembly for small to mid level production
- Full testing lab with DSO's oscilloscopes, function generators, bench supplies...
- Assembly equipment including Hot air rework stations, Reflow ovens, and adjustable temp soldering stations
Thanks to us your projects can become reality then do not hesitate to contact us and has to briefly describe them. EKO ELECTRONIQUE will be able to carry them out for a very moderate price in exchange of royalties on your sales.
EKO ELECTRONIQUE a la capacité de réaliser votre projet de A à Z.
Un projet se limitant rarement à une simple réalisation électronique, EKO ELECTRONIQUE facilite la gestion globale de projets grâce à son réseau de partenaires dans différents métiers :
- Modelisation 3D electronique et mecanique
- Plasturgie, face avants, claviers fins, lexan...
- Tôlerie fine, mécanique (bancs de tests, boîtiers, pièce mécaniques...)
- Informatique (logiciels PC Windows, PDA Windows et Android)
- Production (prototypes, petites et moyennes séries)
La production d'une carte en série nécessitant une bonne communication entre le concepteur et le producteur, EKO ELECTRONIQUE assure cette partie en travaillant avec des partenaires fiables et éprouvés.